Alargamientos Óseos

Alargamientos Óseos
Dr Alejandro Robles Mendoza

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Crecimiento celular sobre andamios biomimeticos de poro graduado de TiO2 / Cell growth on pore-graded biomimetic TiO2 bone scaffolds

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
Müller B1Reseland JE1Haugen HJ1Tiainen H2.
 2014 Nov 13. pii: 0885328214559859. [Epub ahead of print]
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In order to prevent soft tissue down-growth into osseous defect areas, membranes are used when placing bone graft materials. These membranes still show shortcomings in their performance and applications. In the current study, we choose an approach to integrate micro-porous surface structures into a macro-porous scaffold. Low porous surfaces were fabricated by dip-coatings. Four different material compositions (titanium dioxide, polycaprolactone, polycaprolactone/water, polycaprolactone/β-tricalcium phosphate) were characterised in terms of their appearance, architecture, topographical features and cell response. Titanium dioxide surfaces exhibited rougher and more complex textures, resulting in the highest number of osteosarcoma cells and distinct morphologies in terms of cell spreading. Polycaprolactone-based surfaces showed a smoother topography and enhanced microporosity, but the effect on secretion of the bone markers sclerostin and interleukin-6 from human osteoblasts was lower compared to secretion from cells cultured on titanium dioxide. β-Tricalcium phosphate modification of polycaprolactone did not show any significant improvement regarding cell-material interaction. Nevertheless, surfaces show potential in the mechanical blockage of epithelial and soft tissue cells and may still permit sufficient nutrient transport.
© The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:


TiO2 ; dip-coating; micro-porous surface; osteoblast; polycaprolactone; pore structure; scaffold; soft tissue
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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